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I'm Kayla Dano! I live in Chicago, IL. For years I have wanted to create a blog, so I put it on my list of New Years resolutions for 2017. 

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Best Book of 2016

Hello Everybody & Welcome Back!

The "Book Club" tab is the part of the blog where I will discuss some of my favorite books that I have read! Before I get to talking books, I wanted to give you a little bit of a background on why I started this tab.

At the end of 2015 I was coming up with a list of resolutions for the New Year, as I always do! I did not want to do your typical "lose weight" "be healthier" resolution, I wanted to do something different! I realized that since I was in college I stopped reading books for fun, because I was always reading them for class, and then sparked an idea. My resolution would be to read one book a month for the whole year of 2016! Since I live in an apartment & space is limited, I decided to purchase a Kindle. Throughout the year I ended up reading over 12 different books, and it ended up being so much easier to do than I thought.

I loved the resolution so much that I decided to keep it on my New Years Resolution list for 2017! Since we are only a few months in to this year, I figured I would start this tab off with my favorite book of 2016! Now I read a ton of books, and I loved them all for different reasons, but one book stood out to me the most & that would be The Nightingale!

The Nightingale was my favorite book for so many reasons!

1. This book takes place in France during WWII, which has always been my favorite part of history to learn about.

2. It was extremely interesting to see how Nazi Germany invaded France, and how their military treated civilians. In history classes we primarily learned about Germany, and the United States, so it was eye opening to learn about problems happening elsewhere.

3. The two main characters are sisters who single handedly fight against Nazi orders to save innocent people from being killed. If that does not scream girl power I don't know what does *badasses*

4. The end of the book (without giving anything away) brings the story full circle, with so many twists you don't know what is going to happen. I was constantly on my toes, and by the end I found myself sitting in my living room alone sobbing. I was shocked, sad, relieved, heartfelt, and in awe of what I just read. I instantly wanted to read the book over, and in that moment I knew that this book would be hard to top.

Without giving too much away about the book, in-case anybody decides to read it (do it), I hope you have a better understanding of what a good book means to me! I want to feel all of the emotions, I want to be surprised, and I want it to be so good that I would read it again!

I am so excited keep posting about books I have read, in hopes to provide good recommendations for people. I personally know how hard it is find a good book that you love (Shoutout to my friend Colleen for always giving me ideas), because you don't want to waste your time/money on a book you don't enjoy! If you have any questions, or want more recommendations please let me know! I have a ton, and I love to talk books!



(PS: The Kindle & the book are both linked to Amazon! Go check it out, I promise you won't regret purchasing either!)

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