What I Want to Accomplish in 2018
Hello Everybody!
Happy 2018! Every time a New Year rolls around I can't believe how much time has passed! Here are some pictures from NYE, which was so much fun! We went did apps/pre-gamed at Steph's house, then went to a smaller local bar by my apartment, and it.was.perfect. 10/10 recommend.

I started the New Year eager to jump into my blog, working out, eating healthy, and then.. I got hit with the plague. All of last week I was completely under the weather. The Doctors office I went to said the flu, and a lingering cough, are going around, so stay healthy friends!
Anyways, I wanted to create a list of accomplishments for 2018! Some of the things I want to do aren't really resolutions, so I'm just going to call them accomplishments.
1. Overall better health: In 2017 I joined Orange Theory Fitness (best decision ever), and I began going 4 times a week. One of my goals is to continue going four times a week, but there are other areas of health I also want to focus on. I want to focus on good skincare. For Christmas I got the Rodan and Fields Nighttime Skin Serum, and I am loving it. Along with eye cream, and a lash booster. I have already seen a noticeable difference in my skin. I also want to have good oral health. In 2017 I got a cavity, and I never want another one so I invested in a Sonicare Toothbrush, LOVING it so far. I also want to do teeth whitening, but I'm not sure that's actually a health change?
2. Read one book a month: I did this in 2015, slacked off in 2016, but I want to get back on the reading train! I am currently reading a rom com book, but if anybody has any suggestions let me know! I am always open to recommendations!
3. Complete a Whole30: My first blog post ever was about Whole 30 (TBT)! The first time around I had mixed reviews, but after my vacation, and my illness, I feel like I really need a jump start to my healthy year, and I am actually very excited to start next week!
4. Visit a new city: This is a goal I want to have every year, and I don't want to limit myself to just one, but it's a pretty easy goal. One of my best friends moved to Boston, and I NEED to go this year! At the end of 2017 I looked back on all the. new cities I went to (5) and it was so much fun to reminisce. I can't wait to see where this year takes me.
5. Do a half marathon: Now, if you know me, you know this sounds insane. I have always been known as someone WHO DOES NOT RUN. I hated it, BUT, after joining Orange Theory where you have to run at every class, I have actually developed a liking for it. So John and I are doing one in April! We'll see how it goes, trust me I'll be posting about it everywhere.
6. Spend my birthday in NYC, and go on the Morning Breath: This is something I AM SO EXCITED TO DO. If you know me, you A. know that the Morning Breath is my favorite podcast and I listen every single day. B. You know know that I love New York City. So the Morning Breath started doing Fan Friday, and I signed up to go the day before my birthday. And then for my Birthday John is flying to New York, and we are spending the weekend there. I couldn't think of a better way to begin 25! My heart is racing at the thought, this is a legit dream of mine LOL.
7. Start Learning Calligraphy: I know this seems really random, but it's something that I have wanted to do for a long time. I watch so many videos, and it's so soothing to me. I feel like it's a really cool hobby, and I want to start.
Does anybody else have a list of things they want to accomplish in 2018? There's something about even number years that I love (this started in 2010), so I am very excited to see what happens!